In light of domestic violence awareness month, American singer Ashanti honored her sister, Kenashia Douglas, who has previously opened up about allegedly being a survivor of domestic violence.
On Wednesday, October 5, the 41-year-old star took to her Instagram handle to share a series of bruised pictures of Shia. Alongside the pictures, Ashanti wrote a lengthy caption stating how proud she was of her sister for escaping the situation:
"My sister is a warrior! I love you deep and infinitely. Thank you for being so brave and bringing awareness to this evil, vile and sad behavior that so many women face every day. You did it! You won!"TW: This article contains images of domestic abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.
In her post, Ashanti also pointed out the importance of speaking up in the face of violence. She said:
"Some women feel so scared that they have no way out… by sharing your story you bring hope, strength & continue to raise awareness for Domestic Violence. God continues to bless you every day as you grow, prosper… and walk in your purpose…your heart, mind and conscience are clear…you will get back EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE!!! The universe always wins!"The Foolish singer further stated that she will always be by her side and expressed excitement for Shia's new venture, Wife of Creation.
Kenashia 'Shia' Douglas revealed some time ago that she was allegedly involved in an abusive and violent relationship with rapper and ex-fiance Slow Bucks.
Ashanti's sister was in an abusive relationship with Slow Bucks
Reportedly, Ashanti's sister, Shia, and Slow Bucks, were in a relationship for 13 years before they announced their engagement via Instagram in 2016. Although it is unknown how the pair initially met, while speaking to Angie Martinez in November 2021, Shia broke her silence about enduring violence in the relationship.
Without taking any names, she said:
“I have a past experience with domestic abuse. I hadn’t spoken about it. I hadn’t communicated or even ever spoken to anyone outside of my family about what happened… It showed a lot of the real things that took place at that time. I had my teeth broken. I was engaged.”Douglas, who appeared in the interview with Ashanti and her mother, revealed that the abuse began in the last two-three years of her relationship. When Martinez asked if it was someone people were aware of, Ashanti jumped in and said:
“You know him!”Shia also spoke about her initiative, Wife of Creation, which is meant to help people who have experienced similar situations.
"That’s what the initiative is. Wife of Creation is an extension of my healing journey. So I’m basically offering resources for people, so there is mental health, nutritionists, we have martial arts therapy, boxing."She also shared an Instagram post for Domestic Violence Awareness month, recalling her "toxic" experience.
Recalling her days of abuse, Shia said the post is for "any woman or man who has yet to truly recognize the power they possess" and finds themselves in an unhealthy environment.
"It was dangerous not only for obvious reasons but also because to the outside world everything seemed fine. It got to a point where the abuse was regular behavior, and I would fight back, pick up whatever I could to protect myself."While concluding the post, she wrote:
"I look at these pictures and I hold grace and patience for the woman I was and everything she didn't know! I love her and thank her for her role in my journey. I don't consider myself a victim or a survivor, this is all a part of my story, my life and my journey. This was 11.27. 2018 changed my perspective on life and changed my whole entire life forever."Neither Shia nor Slow Bucks have addressed names or situations regarding domestic violence in their relationship.
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