This summer, Bravo welcomed a new reality series to its network. Secrets and Wives, a show based on the lives of six women living on Long Island aired in June and has become a big hit. Although Bravo already has several other shows about groups of women, what distinguishes this show from the others is that all of the women are actually friends. Unlike other shows where the relationships are fabricated and forced for the sake of the show, these women have known each other for years, and are close outside of the show. Cori Goldfarb, one of the show’s cast members, has quickly become a fan favorite, and many viewers are itching to find out more about her. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Cori Goldfarb.
She owns her own spa
Cori Goldfarb is all about her business, and although she spent many years staying at home with her children and working part-time, she’s back in the swing of things. She is the founder and owner of a fabulous med spa called Truth + Beauty. According to the company’s website, Truth + Beauty is always “Striving to be “More Than a MedSpa”, we have compiled an extensive service menu to meet all the beauty needs of our clients. When we say that we provide it all “From Lipsticks to Lasers!” we TRULY mean it! Whether you need a makeup application, eyelash extensions, a Hydrafacial or Botox we can help”
She is a self-proclaimed beauty junkie
Part of what led Goldfarb to opening her own spa is the fact that she considers herself a “beauty junkie.” She has always had a thing for the beauty industry, and loves “the best of all things beautiful.” Within her circle of friends, Goldfarb has always been well-known for her great taste and sense of style.
She is happily married
Not only is Cori Goldfarb is happily married, but she’s still married to her first husband. The couple has four daughters and Goldfarb takes great pride in being a parent. Although her marriage will be called into question during this season of Secrets and Wives, hopefully she and her husband, Sandy, will be able to keep their relationship in tact.
She is a good friend
Goldfarb has a deep appreciation for her relationship with all of the women on the show, and it’s clear that she really puts a lot of effort into being a great friend. As you’ve probably seen with any other reality show, friendships are difficult to maintain once the camera gets involved, and hopefully these women will remain friends once the cameras stop rolling.
She was excited and nervous about joining the show
During an interview, Goldfarb discussed her reasons for joining the show and her feelings behind that decision. According to Goldfarb, ” joined the show because I am friends with all the women and it felt right. We are all supportive of one another in all that is taking place in our lives! It’s a “women rule” vibe and I love that!…I feel a little nervous about putting my life out there because you open yourself up for public ridicule; however, I was honest and open so I have nothing to hide.”
Her life changed when her husband lost his job
For many years, Goldfarb was a single mother who worked part-time while her husband, Sandy, worked on Wall Street for 30 years. However, when he lost his job, the family was put in a new situation, and Goldfarb decided to follow her dreams which lead her to opening her spa. She says that her husband fully supported her vision, and the two currently work together at the spa.
She throws great parties
Of course, all work and no play is no way to live, and according to a source Goldfarb knows how to throw a good party. However, this probably comes as no surprise seeing as how she really seems to love interacting and connecting with people.
She loves giving back to the community
As a lifelong New Yorker, Cori Goldfarb has a lot invested in her community, and she enjoys giving back to those around her and even those in other places. According to her website, “Cori’s many philanthropic efforts have won her much recognition and respect. She has devoted much of her time to several charitable organizations, including the UJA Federation, Heather on Earth and Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation….Cori lends her talents to oversee design elements for philanthropic events. As an active member of Heather on Earth and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation she spends her time visiting sick children and helps secure auction items for charity galas.”
She enjoys living life to the fullest
Now with a successful career and a balanced family life, Goldfarb says that she’s ready for whatever the next phase of her adult life has to offer. Like the rest of her cast mates on Secrets and Wives, Goldfarb really enjoys living life to the fullest and she seems to be very open to all the possibilities that are waiting for her.
She once worked for Calvin Klein
Cori Goldfarb has always had an eye for fashion and style, and before becoming a wife and mother, she enjoyed a career in the fashion industry. After graduating from the University of Maryland, Goldfarb earned a position in New York City working with Calvin Klein as a fashion coordinator. Goldfarb has also worked with other well-known designers such as Karla Koletta and Malia Mills.
(Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images)